New Year Special

2 01 2013

(This title came a few seconds ago when mom was sitting on the couch, flipping channels and looking for New Year Specials. It always carries a cute tone when she speaks English words)

This morning, Captain Mom declared a home locked down and wanted everybody to do spring cleaning. Not exactly your idea to spend a New Year day. But we all happily cooperated because then again, it sounds like exactly a cool way to spend the New Year day!


A few days ago, while I was working in the clinic, I reflected how the year 2012 was going to end soon, and how exciting (or lack of it) my life had been. And I asked God, how about a testimony to share? A great ending. Something that is personal to me? Then, came a funny response. How about the reappearance of your wallet?

Now, now. It’s funny because the wallet had been missing for 2 weeks now. I couldn’t even recall how it happened. It was frustrating the day it went missing. We retraced our steps around Mile 4 market to no avail. Calls were made, cards cancelled, and police report lodged. Those who ever experienced this before can surely identify it’s not so much about the money, but the inconvenience of missing documents. The next day, I decided to wait for Good Samaritans to find my wallet and return it. Na da. So day 3, I went to apply a temporary MyCard and get a duplicate driving license. The upside of not having a wallet is I don’t have to drive or pay for anything. Hahaha!

So the conversation with God was thought provoking. I responded to God in my spirit. If the wallet really reappears now when hope is already gone, it’s gonna be a great testimony to shout about! But if the wallet never reappear, and I already told people about this conversation, then… shame shame lor! Have faith and test Me.

Came Sunday morning, I told my believer friends about this. Including the shame shame part, because I really did worry in case God cannot find my wallet. Honestly, when I relate the story, it wasn’t with much hope and confidence. The lost wallet didn’t actually mattered much anymore. The listeners probably listened as witnesses only.

But the speechless and indescribable thing is, that Sunday afternoon, a stall keeper who works in Mile 4 Market area called my mom and informed her that there was a found wallet. I was so shocked beyond words, not because of the joy of finding what was lost, but because of a God so real and amazing, it’s almost scary. Finding a lost wallet? Sap sap sui lar. I specialize in finding lost souls. My friends responses were ‘Wah, really scary.’ And ‘This challenges my faith, as well.’

There – my wallet. All cards intact, including the banks cards which are now unusable, and also WITHOUT a missing cent. O Praise God! I am grateful for the Good Samaritans who appeared 2 weeks late as well. When I thought the wallet is a goner, Sandakan proves that she has good people.


We turned the house tipsy turvy in the effort of cleaning. Things were separated into 3 catergories. KEEP, TRASH and GIVE-AWAY. We had a good time laughing when we found a collection of my artwork done in my early teens. They were so imaginative that I am entertained, myself. That goes to KEEP. I guess Ry was sneezing away wherever he was, when we found his treasures a.k.a. junks, and laughed hard about them.

We collected a minitruck full load of TRASH. Pe and I head for the public dump to dispose of them. While throwing, I came across a box full of our old medals and trophies. Chess, Basketball, Math, Art, what nots. I hesitated a bit but still flung the box right into the dump. Over time, achievements collects dust and they don’t quite qualify to go to KEEPS… Relationship, love letters (from dad to mom!), family photos, thoughtful gifts, these are the ones we truly cherish and KEEP them.

HAVE A WONDERFUL NEW YEAR 2013. God bless you.